Lobby Benches, Treatment and Chiropractic Tables

Here you will find many examples of Treatment Tables, Chiropractic Tables and Benches we have done in the past. Nowadays clients demand a clean environment for treatment or just a place to wait. Keeping your tables and benches clean and rip free will help them feel comfortable in your facility.

Remedy-PT-Tables BSU-1 

Remedy-PT-Tables-2 Montclair-U 

Nichols-College Treatment-Table-1

 Montclair-U-2 Select-PT-2 

Hunter-College Harbor-1 

Table-1 U-Conn-1

Milton-Chiro EAC-1

BSU-2 Prov-College

Encompass-1 Axiom-1

South-Shore-Hosp Physical-U

Huggins-Hosp-1 Huggins-Hosp-2 

43rd-Physical-Medicine-2 43rd-Physical-Medicine